Thursday, November 17, 2011



islamic business
Islamic religion revealed to answer the question as a whole human being human beings who in their function as "kholifatullah fil ard" (vicegerent earth god) use religious teachings of Islam to realize the mission of god on earth. therefore the religious teachings of Islam should be implemented in all aspects of life. in the implementation of religious teachings of Islam as a 'magical message' needs to be translated, interpreted and sought so as to coloring order relevansiny socio-economic, political, and cultural communities. thus religion is not merely within the normative level only.

Known in the Islamic sharia, as the god's laws or Islamic laws, which regulate the issue of worship and muamalah. Shariah is a set of do's and Don'ts, regulate the permitted and prohibited. Shari'a is the foundation of wisdom and human happiness in the world and the Hereafter. This welfare lies in justice, compassion, prosperity, and wisdom. any temporary shift of justice, to injustice, the oppression of love, prosperity into misery, and the wisdom to folly, has nothing to do with sharia. Shari'ah is most true purpose is to advance human welfare lies in the assurance of faith, intellectual property and its future.
In running the business and the leading of God's revelation (Islamic shariah) the business activities such as:
  • create and distribute products (goods or services),
  • market the product,
  • planning (recruiting, training, placement, coaching), control and evaluation of human resources,
  • management (managing) finance (search, use, transaction and accountability.
    Build a business is an attempt to manage a combination of human resources, natural resources, capital and technology to create or make a product that has value to obtain the benefits that are generally coupled with a certain risk level.

    Demand for property is reasonable, because the gods command to execute. Just a small example that worship needs to support the property, if any neighbors or others who have difficulty and are in need of money to eat, what forever was just enough to smile, to build mosques what forever just smile??, just like what the pilgrimage with wishful thinking . That's one example that trying to find property is a liability.
    God tells them to:
    • hard work to find fortune in ways that lawful gods,
    • find fortune that has been sown in the earth and should not be forgotten gods,
    • results of fortune when it was obtained thanks to the gods,
    • spend some fortune in the way of Allah. 
     Teachings of Islam should be a solid foundation in:
    • the conscience of Muslims to establish that what is done in terms of moral belief is true,
    • motivate the work and source of inspiration for childbirth initiative and creativity in all its efforts, to achieve the happiness of the world and the hereafter,
    • a control in building and running a business, establish business targets to be achieved.
     Establish business targets to be achieved, such as:
    • result, both material and non material (benefit),
    • growth, good business is a business that continuously can increase from year to year,
    • continuity, the right business orientation is the presence of long-term sustainability, in the world and the Hereafter,
    • blessing, is an important factor in the business of the Shari'a.
    We must note from the end of each business are:
    • seek profit in the form of the material as much as a lawful manner, not by unlawful means nor by any means, 
    • looking for non-material benefits both internal and external such as fraternal, social awareness of Islam that is open job opportunities, and charity, all of which can be a means of collectively-sma to draw closer to Allah.
    How to increase business from year to year are:
    • Improve production quality and or service,
    • Shariah investment, such as after removing the alms and charity followed by infak.
    Management is only a tool to manage rather than decisive, and therefore management capabilities are built with Shari'a will ensure there is no bankruptcy, consider the meaning of the phrase 'who wants to do business with Allah "or other similar words, it shows that we are consistent with the shari'ah 'ah Allah then run business will have continuity in the world and the hereafter, who never lose much less insolvent.

    Many businesses that appear successful in just 1-2 years produces 7 to 10 billion of assets, but when entering the year 3 no longer able to pay its employees, not only that, his family was a mess, the hospital became subscription-turn, children have a virus drugs and so forth, that's an example of business that was built not by the Shari'a.
    Simple way to build a business with sayri'ah Allah that is create a benchmark standard in building a business with orientation blessing Allahwhich is real as follows:
    • Sincerely intend to build a business solely to seek Allah's approval.
    • Stated in prostration, prayer, that what is done every day simply because of the ability Allah.
    • Multiply gratified by reading alhamdulillah, move a lot of reading istigfar (opening locks padlock padlock-fortune, fortune opening, reconciling the heart and eliminating sin) and sentences Tayyibah and other prayers are established in the heart, do not be lazy alms, praying sunnah prayer and other obligatory.


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