Sunday, October 14, 2018

Definition of Alms

Alms in terms of terms is certain assets that must be issued by people who are Muslim and given to those who are entitled to receive it (the poor and so on). Alms in terms of language means 'clean', 'holy', 'fertile', 'blessing' and 'developing'. According to the provisions stipulated by Islamic law. Alms is the third pillar of the pillars of Islam.
Alms is one of the pillars of Islam, and is one of the main elements for the establishment of Islamic law. Therefore, the law of Alms is obligatory fardhu for every Muslim who has fulfilled certain conditions. Alms is included in the category of worship such as prayer, hajj, and fasting which have been arranged in detail based on the Qur'an and Sunna. Alms is also a social and humanitarian activity that can develop in accordance with the development of humanity everywhere.
Every Muslim is obliged to give alms from the sustenance given by Allah. This obligation is written in the Qur'an. At first, the Koran only ordered alms (giving free, not obligatory). However, in the future, Muslims are ordered to pay Alms. Almsgiving has become mandatory since 662 AD. The Prophet Muhammad instituted this command of Alms by setting up Alms for the rich to ease the burden of their poor lives. Since this time, Alms is applied in Islamic countries. This shows that in the future there is a regulation on giving Alms, especially regarding the amount of Alms.
At the time of the Caliphate, Alms was collected by state employees and distributed to certain groups of people. The group is poor, slaves who want to buy their freedom, people who are in debt and unable to pay. Shari'ah arranges in more detail about Alms and how it must be paid.
Benefits of Alms
In addition to providing religious benefits and improving morals, Alms can also be felt in terms of social. What benefits can be felt for someone who sincerely carries out charity?
1. Alms can help the poor in meeting their needs.
2. Alms is able to strengthen brotherhood and ukhuwah Islamiyah.
3. Paying Alms can eliminate jealousy and jealousy that resides in the bosom of the poor. The existence of rich people does not provide any benefit for people who are not economically capable. Whereas the rich people do not pay Alms and give charity to the poor. So that they avoid physical clashes and eliminate all liver diseases.
4. Paying Alms can add wealth and increase the blessing of wealth. As stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. which stated that alms did not reduce property.
5. Alms will expand the circulation of property. This is because by paying Alms the property does not stop at one point, but can spread to many people. Thus the benefits of Alms are not only individual, but also broadly to the community.



Islamic business
Business issues also continue to evolve in line with the development of sciences that sensory prosperity, whose numbers grew even multiply. Therefore, increasing the ability to be more competitive in the business wheel is absolutely necessary so that people can maintain the continuity of their business in an increasingly tight competition situation.

In such conditions is not uncommon for the sake of profit, many are desperate to use a false ways. seek, maintain, and retain business armed with business knowledge made ​​capitalism and socialism are separated from the unity of truth lead them away from God, do not get the blessing and eventually led them to destruction.

Knowledge of Islamic finance is the science which teaches the way business is a blessing and success in the world and as a service to pick up the heaven (hereafter). This time, the businessman who happened to Muslims not want to put their knowledge of Islamic finance as a prima donna in the reality business. in Islam that the business as an economic activity is very appreciated, as long as the behavior and ways of using tools to achieve business objectives in accordance with the characteristics of Islam.

Muslims have traveled a long Nuzulul qur'an, should not only be heard melodious and pleasing, but more than that, is that it can encourage a Muslim in carrying out any work more seriously, vigorously, discipline and high work beretos, work more intelligent in managing "resources", rational and efficient so as to produce innovative and productive work with the guidance of the truth of God's revelation and the Sunnah Muhammad.

When business as one of the search for rizki built with the concept of preparing for the hereafter on the basis of faith, piety, resignation, seeking rizki honestly sympathize family dependents and to maintain themselves from the hated god, that's when God gave him a good Rizki and ease in working on it, fixed tried in earnest to get it, and if it has been successful, certainly will not forget to be grateful, issued zakat and spend it on the road gods (infak and charity). That business is a blessing.

As an effort to encourage businesses that blessing among Muslims, the business became a means for man to worship either direct worship to the gods, nor worship the indirect but has a high value in the presence of god, the reason is simple because they create employment opportunities that can improve the life of people another of infidelity, therefore learning to enhance the mastery of science and technology is important for Muslims in building a business, it is increasingly able to work with better and more clever grateful for the abundance of gods guidance given to him, in the form of an abundance of gods rizki blessing, even if only as a businessman engaged in small-scale enterprises but are managed in a way to follow ethical standards and behavior that are commanded by Allah and Muhammad in determining which products may be traded through a harmonious cooperation of various parties in implementing the seven strategies as the key to successfully build and develop business results to revive the spirit of worship and social amaliah fully sincere, in the long run. Islam highly recommends that the business is run by tawakal means resigned to seek the prayers, god Shari'ah business venture, and expressions of gratitude well as after work or when receiving the results as a decision and favors from the gods.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Signs of economic development, are simply the result of growth that causes the increased range of choice in goods and services or improvements in material conditions. This marks the development of thinking about development, can be coupled with another, or more detailed, such as the erosion of mass poverty (which, among others, characterized by illiteracy, disease, infant mortality, poor nutrition and so on). Changes in the composition of the material inputs and outputs or results that occur simultaneously with the shifting of production structure away from agriculture toward industry and services, expanding employment opportunities to all levels and segments of society and the growing participation include the wider community in making decisions about the direction of economic progress toward prosperity is higher.
Kaldor-Pasinetti income distribution proves that the Islamic economic system that contains the distribution of income instrument, capable of generating a steady economic growth. the basis of the model is as follows:
Y = W + P ...............(1)
Y = aggregate income
W = total wage
P = total profit

Above equation illustrates that income consists of two main components, namely the total wages and total profits. In other words the income consists of wages and non-wage income and profits derived from the so-called ownership of assets, either profit or rent. furthermore, wages may be split into two, namely the wage received by workers who receive alms and who do not accept charity, with the following equation:

W = Wn + Wz .............(2)
Wn = wages received by workers who are not entitled to receive zakat
Wz = wages received by workers who are entitled to receive zakat

With the distribution of Zakat, then the whole society is divided into three functional groups, owners of capital, workers and workers receiving zakat that is not entitled to receive zakat. Other charity recipients who are not workers, are classified into groups of recipients of this charity. The definitions contained in the assumption that workers are not receiving alms or property owners of capital resources. all these assumptions can be summarized as follows:

A = Ac + An .............(3)
K = Kc + Kn ............(4)
A = total assets are exposed to charity
Ac = zakat owned assets affected by the capital
An exposed zakat = assets owned by the workers who did not receive zakat
K = total capital resources in the economy
Kc = sources of capital owned by those who do not receive zakat
Kn = sources of capital owned by workers who did not receive zakat

In the equation is sometimes assumed that the capital assets to differentiate. Sources of capital K is the (sub-set of) total assets may consist of gold, silver, cattle, stock, trees and all affected property zakat mal, both productive and nonproductive nature.

The next assumed that Islamic society it is the people who like saving money. There are two sources, namely the owners of capital and labor are not entitled to zakat (because they are capable of saving), which produces the following equation:

S = Sc + Sn ..........(5)
S = the total savings
Sc = savings by the capital
Sn = savings by workers who are entitled to receive zakat.

There assumed that only the owners of capital and workers who did not receive zakat who save and invest, while workers receiving alms or zakat recipients others do not. Investment that can be invested through a financial intermediary, such as for example the Islamic Bank which operates on the principle of profit sharing or directly infuse capital to the ownership of shares in the form shirkah who theorized as economic institutions according to the Islamic system.

With the division that then can be split into two, the first accepted by the other owners of capital and to workers who did not receive zakat. Equation is:

P = Pc + Pn ................(6)
P = total profit
Pc = profit received capital owners
Pn = profit received workers who do not receive zakat.

Islamic society is a society payer of zakat, which is the transfer of which receive more income or wealth to the poor and needy. This certainly is not charity, but perhaps a kind of welfare funds that are already in advanced industrial societies. here zakat is defined as a function of all the affected charity.

Z = f @ * A ..................(7)
@ = percentage of zakat
A = total assets

Because the set is assumed are owned by the owners of capital and workers who did not receive the zakat, then its result is the amount of zakat different results from each group, so the equation is:

Z = Zc + Zc + Zn .................( 8)
Zc = the alms of the owners of capital
Z = total charity
Zn = zakat of workers who did not receive zakat

Zakat imposed on the assets, but are paid from revenues received by the owners of assets, other than by workers who are not entitled to receive zakat, although no assets.

Equation (1) to equation (8) describes the basic structure of the system being built, based on assumptions drawn from Shari'a law, especially concerning zakat here. Similar studies carried out also by Ali Al-Jahri Mabib trying to make a model that includes macroeconomic variables zakat to prove the impact of the economic system, but differ in some theoretical assumptions and therefore produce different models of econometrics. Others such as Anas Zarqa, investigating the effect of charity on the aggregate consumption function.